Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Find A Great Mentor

The trick to finding a good mentor is to realise that the very best of them are not initially obvious. Mentors will change throughout your life and it is likely that you will have many throughout your time here on earth, so it is important to realize that you do not simply signup a few over a couple of days and be done with it.
You should always be on the lookout for people who can sow into your life and for people for whom you can sow into THEIR life as a mentor yourself.

My very best mentors to date have been the ones that have not been planned but instead have developed out of the most unlikely of places.

A good mentor will do three things:

1.Offer advice from a place of experience

2.Be a sounding board for your ideas and dreams.

3.Challenge you.

A good mentor does not need to be an expert, a celebrity or even own a bonsai tree.


A good mentor needs only:

1.To take an active interest in you and your future

2.Have more experience in what you want to do then you do

3.Be a good listener


A series of good mentors throughout your life really will be the difference between finding the success you seek or being left frustrated and deflated.

A good mentor, if you let them, will help you organize your thoughts, challenge your assumptions, ask the questions others won’t and offer an alternative view. If you have picked your mentors well it is likely they will have, to a degree, done what you want to do and so can offer insight into you current situation. If you are really lucky, they may also teach you the wax on wax off method.

Good mentors are not hard to come by, if you know where to look and what to look for.

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